Specializing in Integrated Talent Management solutions with an emphasis on Adult Learning, Team Cohesion and Virtual Engagement
Building awareness one team at a time
We help you to create a culture that emphasizes people and efficient processes; reducing employee stress, thereby helping you hire, grow and retain top talent.
The work place must emphasize a people-centered approach
Adult Learning
American educator Malcolm Knowles was best known for the use of the term andragogy. Knowles described andragogy as the art and science of adult learning.
The key principles of andragogy are: 1- Adults need to know why they need to learn something, 2- Adults need to build on their experience, 3- Adults have a need to feel responsible for their learning, 4- Adults are ready to learn if training solves an immediate problem, 5- Adults want their training to be problem focused, 6- Adults learn best when motivation comes intrinsically.
For more than 20 years The T-Group Consulting has developed learning programs applying these six principles for many organizations and teams.
Team Cohesion
As the workplace evolves, so do team dynamics. It is more important than ever that teams have what it takes to succeed. Giving your team the skills they need to work together effectively, regardless of where they are working, is a primary expectation if you are a leader or manager.
A cohesive team is working from a place of trust, establishing accountability, and the strength that comes from knowing they are supported by one another.
The T-Group Consulting can support you and your team in implementing strategies for building vulnerability-based trust in the (hybrid) workplace.
Virtual Engagement
Technology can be a great enabler, but when it comes to virtual work environments, it’s the human connection that matters most.
Connecting with colleagues and team mates whether online or in-person enhances company culture. Employees are engaged when there is consistent communication, relations with coworkers formally and informally and a collaborative environment that builds trust. Employees like it when other employees check in with them and work together to adhere to the company's values and business goals.
With a world of work that continues to be largely remote, The T-Group Consulting can help your organizational leaders support your employees to establish this all-important connection and feel like they are part of something bigger.
There are a lot of benefits to a people-centered culture, especially
during times of change. So what can you do to help your employees
maintain a healthy work/life balance and keep stress at bay to avoid
losing your top talent?
We want to help you build your team's awareness, let’s talk: